
IVC Time Bank (Future Project - Release Date TBD)

It’s about Time you got Credit for your events*

TimeBank Point Payments

Reward your members with TimeBank Points. Sell tokens in the shop and use them as a prepay system for memberships and guest fees at events. Spend points in the shop or on event sign-ups. Members could even donate excess points to charity or trade the TimeBank Points with each other for help and services.

You can think of TimeBank Points like loyalty points. Each user maintains a balance of points. Points can be gifted to members in return for membership subscriptions or event sign-ups; or they can be sold in the shop (this will require updates to the Agoria Shop module).

Members can spend their points on event sign-ups with event hosts or in the shop or trade them between each other. Alternatively, you can assign a monetary value to points and members can use them to offset any purchases. Some groups might like to use this feature to reward volunteers for their efforts. Others may use it as a pre-pay system which reduces their reliance on cash and removes the need for a renewals process to aid member retention.

How Timebanking works

1. You request to join the IVC Timebank and pay an entry fee to start an account
2. You tell the TimeBank group manager about:

  1. the kind of events you would like to attend
  2. the kind of events you would like to host
  3. the skills and support you would like to offer
  4. the things you need

    It doesn’t matter what kind of events or support you offer, everyone’s time is worth the same value.
3. You give your time to hosting a private event and you earn Time Points from each attendee
4. You attend a private event and you will transfer some Time Points to the event Host

5. You spend an hour giving help and you get one Time Point
6. You get an hour of any help when you spend one Time Point

7. If your points balance is getting low ... you can buy more Time Points at any time from the Shop
8. The group covers its costs by making deductions from point balances instead of charging a fixed subscription

*80% of the development of this facility comes from a fairly basic charity TimeBank project built in 2012/13. The project was commissioned as a joint venture between Bracknell Forest Council and The Princess Royal Trust to help with providing volunteer support for vulnerable adults.

Time Points are the currency of the Timebank. 

The Timebank Group Manager is the person who runs the Timebank and makes all the arrangements to get you started and sort out any queries.

The more you give in time and support, the more you can get back.