The Future of IVC is a Blank Slate
Creating a new story for IVC post Covid ...
"THE FUTURE OF IVC" - TUES 17 Nov 2020 @ 19:00
Bob Clifford and Mike Timmis from aIVC and Dave Lawrence from London IVC are having an informal discussion on the future of IVC on Tuesday Nov 17th at 7pm on Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Possible topics for discussion this month (and this is only speculation) might include:

- Should IVC groups setup their own in-person and online talk groups or partner with in-person and online talk based groups like a Cafe Scientifique, Skeptics in the Pub, Where Can We Go, The Royal Institution, The Royal Society, IOD, large corporates and Universities?
- Where and how should we go about setting up talk based groups around the UK and fund the venue and speakers expenses etc?
- What kind of people would be attracted to attending both talks and general social activities ?
- How would creating such groups affect club funding plus the aIVC and the levy?
- How much autonomy would such group organisers need to have i.e. own bank accounts?
This is all pure speculation and is prompted by the impact of the pandemic. It in no way reflects the views of any IVC club. You are welcome to bring along any other issues that you would like discussed.